This bike was not in its original color when I bought it. So I repaint it to match my favorite 90’s MTB GT Avalanche color; Midnight Aurora, just like the original. I then rebuild the bike with modern parts to make it comfortable enough for commuting or ‘Gravel’ adventure.
Why I choose this bike? Because its close history to BMX. I collect BMX and own some of BMX GT Performer among others. For me, BMX was part of my childhood memories and already become my lifelong love affair with wheels.
Why I choose this bike? Because its close history to BMX. I collect BMX and own some of BMX GT Performer among others. For me, BMX was part of my childhood memories and already become my lifelong love affair with wheels.
- Araya TX-633
- Avocet Racing
- Dia-Compe ss6
- Fabric FunnyGuy
- GT Team Avalanche, 1991, 22"
- Miche Supertype
- MKS Lambda
- Shimano Alivio FC-M4050
- Shimano Alivio RD-M4000
- Shimano Alivio SL-M4000
- Shimano Exage BR-M351
- Shimano Exage Mountain
- Sim Works Super Yummy
- Tioga X-Cube
- Velo Orange Klunker
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